Founder & Creative Director

My name is Marcus Hawley. I am a self-taught designer born and raised in Durham, NC. I’ve had a knack for business since I can remember but never knew it would bring me into the creative industry but in some ways it was inevitable. As a younger person I immersed myself in the arts, specifically music and theater. But I always had an inkling for all types of visual arts and things in the creative field. I found myself engaged with design and fashion, when I noticed the way those around me reacted to certain details. How their body language changed, how they presented themselves because of someone's style. Mostly what I noticed was how I received people who unabashedly presented their personal style. I was drawn to details and styles that my peers didn't seem care about. So, most times I kept hush with my thoughts and opinions about different styles. Then, I arrived at Hampton University (my alma mater) and my outlook on fashion and personal style evolved. Hampton University is a private, co-ed university in Hampton, VA. But the students who attended were from some of America’s largest metro areas bringing their own sense of fashion, style and swag. Metropolitan areas such as Washington, D.C; New York City; Los Angeles, CA; Oakland, CA; Philadelphia to name a few. No shame, no judgement (well, maybe but respectfully) just a confidence in proudly representing themselves and their respective regions. The expression of style on campus was nothing short of amazing or to me, it was really just very eye opening, especially coming from a place where personal style didn’t really have that kind of presence. Hampton was a haven for fashion and personal style and I found myself soaking it all in, many times without even consciously knowing it. Years later, while working at a high-end retailer at the mall in my hometown, I came up with the idea of designing and constructing my own bow ties. Not necessarily to sell but simply for myself. I couldn’t find the “perfect” (does that even exist) bow tie that spoke to my personal style. So, after several times of trial and error there was finally a prototype I was happy with and actually ready to wear outside the comfort of my home. The first day I wore this prototype bow tie, I received some affirmations but more importantly there was confirmation that maybe I had something to offer the design and fashion world. From that day forward Natty Neckware was born. And it’s been a labor of love ever since. So, the journey still continues but I hope you can come along for the ride because I and the Natty Neckware brand have a lot more to offer the world. To be continued...